SCI/EI期刊论文: 1. Qifang Liu , Lulu Guo , Bingzhao Gao , Keyu Ye, Hong Chen. Coordinate Receding Horizon Control for the Power-shift Process of Multi-speed Elecric Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2020, 69(1): 1055-1059. (SCI) 2. Lulu Guo, Hong Chen, Bingzhao Gao, Qifang Liu. Energy Management of HEVs Based on Velocity Profile Optimization. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences. 2019, 62(8): 089203. (SCI) 3. Lulu Guo, Bingzhao Gao, Qifang Liu, Hong Chen. A Computationally Efficient and Hierarchical Control Strategy for Velocity Optimization of On-Road Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 2019, 49(1):31-41. (SCI) 4. Qifang Liu, Hong. Chen, Yufeng Hu, Pengyuan Sun, and Jun Li. Modeling and control of the fuel injection system for rail pressure regulation in GDI engine, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2014, 19(5): 1501-1513, (SCI) 5. Lulu Guo, Bingzhao Gao, Qifang Liu,Jiahui Tang,Hong Chen. On-line Optimal Control of the Gearshift Command for Multi- speed Electric Vehicles. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. 2017, 22(4):1519-1530.(SCI) 6. Hong. Chen, Xun. Gong, Qifang. Liu, Yunfeng Hu. Triple-step method to design non-linear controller for rail pressure of gasoline direct injection engines, IET Control Theory and Applications, 2014, 8(11): 948-959. (SCI) 7. Bingzhao Gao, Hong. Chen, Qifang. Liu, Hongqin. Chu, Position Control of Electric Clutch Actuator Using a Triple-Step Nonlinear Method, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2014, 61(12): 6995-7003. (SCI) 8. Qifang Liu, Hong Jinlong, Bingzhao Gao, Hong Chen. Introduction to the benchmark challenge on common rail pressure control of gasoline direct injection engines. Control Theory and Technology. 2019, 17(2) 167-175. (EI) 9. Qiang Wang, Baiyu Xin, Pengyuan Sun, Jialing Li, Qifang Liu. Nonlinear compensation method for injector in small flow area on GDI engine. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 2018,51(31): 154-157 (EI) 10.Qifang Liu, Changyong Wang, Yunfeng Hu, Hong Chen, Flatness-based Feedforward and Feedback Control for Fuel Rail System of Gasoline Direct Injection Engine, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2016, 49(11): 775–780. (EI) 11. 刘奇芳, 宫洵, 胡云峰, 陈虹. GDI共轨系统的自抗扰轨压跟踪控制器设计, 控制理论与应用, 2013,30(12):1594-1601. 12. 陈虹, 宫洵, 胡云峰, 刘奇芳, 高炳钊, 郭洪艳. 汽车控制的研究现状与展望, 自动化学报, 2013, 39(4):322-346. (EI) 授权专利: 1. 刘奇芳,董世营,姜子蛟,陈虹,一种基于模型的车载换挡电磁阀的控制系统设计方法, 中国发明专利, ZL2018100092571,授权日:2020.10.14 2. 刘奇芳,姜子蛟,张亮,陈虹,一种双离合起步协调优化控制方法,中国发明专利,ZL2018101772197,授权日: 2020.1.07 3.刘奇芳,姜子蛟,叶珂羽,郭露露,陈虹,用于多挡纯电动汽车换挡过程的快速协调优化控制方法,中国发明专利,ZL 201710291136.6,授权日:2019.4.16. 4.刘奇芳,叶珂羽,李超,唐佳慧,陈虹,高炳钊,用于干式离合器的温度-摩擦综合建模方法,中国发明专利,ZL 201610205098.3, 授权日:2018-09-25 5.陈虹,郭露,高炳钊,刘奇芳,唐佳慧. 一种道路车辆速度优化的分层控制方法,中国发明专利,ZL 201810009243.X, 授 权日:2020-03-17 6.郭露露,唐佳慧,刘奇芳, 高炳钊,陈虹.一种基于经济性驾驶的实时预测巡航控制系统,中国发明专利, ZL201710291137.0. 授权日:2019-4-9. 7. 陈虹,李超,郭露露,刘奇芳,卢晓晖.基于交通信号灯的自主驾驶车辆轨迹预测控制方法,中国发明专利, ZL201510302819.8. 授权日:2017.10.13 8. 刘奇芳,叶珂羽,李超,陈虹,郭露露. 具有轨迹优化功能的混合动力车辆的能量分配方法,中国发明专利, ZL201610161698.4. 授权日:2016.06.15 |